2019 Photo Contest-Architecture

Bastille Day (Paris)

A Bridge and a Monk (Myanmar)
While at the Teak Bridge in Myanmar we took a boat ride under the bridge. This photo opportunity presented itself. I felt very fortunate to have captured this image.

Sometimes You Need Color (Panama City)
After passing through the Canal this structure appeared. I thought the contrast between the high-rises of Panama City and the colorful roof segments was too good to pass up.

“Venice Rises With The Sun”
…As our ship floated into the still sleeping Venice, she began to stir as the first of the morning suns rays lightly kissed the graceful shape of her architectural facades.

Simplicity in Complexity

Boldly Bayon
The magic of Angkor Wat, Cambodia is represented in this photo from the Bayon complex, part of Anglor Thom. These are just 2 of the 216 faces in the complex.

Dubrovnik Roofs
Statement: This photo was taken from atop the wall that surrounds Dubrovnik.