2019 Photo Contest- Human Interest

Bhutan Archer (Bhutan)
I was with my guide traveling near Punakha, Bhutan, when we saw an archery “pick up” match in a nearby field. Archery is the national game of Bhutan. There were two groups separated by almost 500 feet so we pulled over and walked towards one of the teams. Each member of the team took turns shooting at a 3’ by 11” target. I was especially fascinated by this photograph – you can see the intensity in the archer’s eyes combined with the slight motion blur of his hand just as he releases the arrow.

Naples Chapter
In The Twinkle of The Eyes (Cyprus)
….A chance meeting with a lovely lady who seemed to smile with her eyes.

New friend on hike (Bhutan)
(He shouted hi and showed me his tummy so I showed him mine too and he and the guide laughed!)

“Young Feet Led Along An Ancient Path”
…It was on an early morning walk through the narrow streets of old Nicosia, on the North Cyprus side, that this mother with her young son caught my cameras eye. Her guiding hand wisely clutching his with an encouraging grasp.

Title: Mending
Statement: I am always interested in photographing people doing things with their hands. I use fast and slow shutter speeds as I can in this case the sun was so bright a slow shutter speed was not practical. On the coast of Chile.

Sepik dancer

Reflections on Tiger’s Nest
Second is “new friend on hike”. (He shouted hi and showed me hustiummy so I showed him mine too and he and the guide laughed!)

Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday procession of heavy floats carried by selected Nazarenes winding around lighted streets in Mompox for eight hours

Mursi Tribal
Mursi woman proudly sports her lip plate, an object of beauty worn to attract a husband

Just a Lunchbox – in Japan

A Flash of Scarlet

In India No Less

Embera Tribe in rainforest of Choco Department, Pacific Coast, Colombia
My Statement: Taken in 1966 during my years in South America as an expatriate exploration geologist.

Woman in Red
There’s a stupa in Thimphu, Bhutan called the Memorial Chorten. People gather here all day long to pray and circle the stupa. I watched this older woman circle the stupa many times before approaching her to take her photograph. The contrast between the white bricks, her white hair, and her red clothes was noticeably striking.

Surfer on the North Shore
I took this photo while in Hawaii with my family. We drove around Oahu, stopping at several beaches along the North Shore.