Calling All Photographers!
It’s Time for our Photo Contest
Please submit your best photos from places you’ve traveled for the Circumnavigators Club Photo Contest.
Deadline: August 31
Categories: Human Interest
Flora & Fauna
Our Annual Photo Contest is fun for our members and helps support the Circumnavigators Foundation. It is a great way to share our photos with the membership.
Here are the rules:
Photos are to be submitted via email as an attachment to Please put PHOTO CONTEST in the subject line of the email.
Members are limited to five submissions. There is a $10 fee for each photo, which is a tax-deductible contribution to the Foundation. The photos do not have to be recent.
The photos will be judged by professional photographers.
There is no form to be filled out. Just send your email with the photos including the following:
- Your Name
- Chapter
- Category of photograph
- Title of photograph
- Photographer’s statement
We will contact you if we need more info.
Entry fees can also be sent by check to “Circumnavigators Club Foundation” and mailed to the Circumnavigators Club Foundation, PO Box 465, Ramsey NJ 07446.
Let’s support this event! All photos will be shown on the Club web site.