August 2023 Circumbits

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Jul 272023
August 2023
Photo Contest
This photo by C. Pat Hammers (At Large – Hawaii) was a winner in the last Photo Contest. Photos are encouraged to send in shots for the upcoming event.

Welcome to August!

Summer is flying by and Circumnavigators are exploring the world. Best wishes to members, family and friends for a wonderful month.

July Spectacular

July Spectacular

Circumnavigators Suzanne Frye and Sue Murphy (both New York Metro) shared with us the amazing fireworks display on Independence Day in New York.

Circumnavigators Ellie Hamby and Sandy Hazelip

Meet the Dynamic Duo

Circumnavigators Ellie Hamby and Sandy Hazelip are the 81-year-old best friends who circled the globe in just 80 days, resulting in numerous news features on CNN, The New York Times and others. The Club will be honoring them at an event on August 23 at the Yale Club in New York City. You won’t want to miss this exciting event.
Invitations have been sent via email. Contact headquarters to confirm your reservation

Naples Chapter Ladies

The group gathered for their third summer meeting where C. Michelle Doyle gave an outstanding presentation on her trip to Turkey. 

Naples Chapter Ladies Lunch
Photo left to right: Mary McNamara, Mary Elizabeth Beadle, Sophie Classen, Janice Abrams, Ann Doyle, Ellen Stephens, Natasha Lidlaw Seated: Anne Granata and Michelle Doyle

photo contest 2023

Shots Around the World…Send us your best photos for the annual photo event which helps support the Foundation. Just one photo will be appreciated. Let’s try to set a record for submissions. The deadline has been extended to September 15. 

Our Annual Photo Contest is fun for our members and helps support the Circumnavigators Foundation. It is a great way to share our photos with the membership. 
Categories: Human Interest, Flora & Fauna, Landscape, Architecture
Rules: Photos are to be submitted via email as an attachment to Please put PHOTO CONTEST in the subject line of the email. Members are limited to five submissions. There is a $10 fee for each photo, which is a tax-deductible contribution to the Foundation. The photos do not have to be recent. The photos will be judged by professional photographers. There is no form to be filled out. Just send your email with the photos including the following:

  • Your Name
  • Chapter
  • Category of photograph
  • Title of photograph
  • Photographer’s statement

Entry fees can be sent via PayPal on our website: by check to “Circumnavigators Club Foundation” and mailed to the Circumnavigators Club Foundation, PO Box 465, Ramsey NJ 07446. Let’s support this event! All photos will be shown on the Club web site.        

Chapter Highlights

Singapore Chapter…Singapore Chapter President, Mr. Ang Hao Yao hosted the annual mid-year, dinner event at the magnificent Sheraton Towers hotel. 

Members enjoyed the outstanding food supplied by the hotel’s renowned Cantonese restaurant Li Bai, great wines and wonderful musical entertainment. Mr. Ang Hao Yao presented the membership certificate to new member Mr. Elvin Too on that special evening.

Welcome to all New Members

pan am museum foundation

Fourteen new members were approved at the Board of Governors Meeting recently. The Club is seeing its numbership grow. Among the new members are three leaders of the Pan Am Museum Foundation, further solidifying our long, unofficial relationship with that storied airline. The Pan-Amers are Linda Freire (Foundation Chair), Patricia Iassogna and Wendy Knecht. Circumnavigators should let them know if planning to attend the dynamic museum on Long Island.

Other new members are:

James Bamford  (Washington DC Chapter)
Warner Blow  (Naples Chapter)
Tiffany Jungco  (At Large Philippines)
Lydia Kerr  (Naples Chapter)
Luis & Ronilynn Ramos  (Naples Chapter)
Mary Nice  (Naples Chapter)
Tareq Salahi  (Palm Beach Chapter)
Ron & Staci Schnell  (Miami Chapter)
Lisa Spoden  (Palm Beach Chapter)


Postcard memories…C. Tom Van Horn (President, Palm Beach Chapter) received a pleasant surprise from his 94-year-old Aunt Doris. She sent him all the postcards he had mailed to her from his trips – 147 postcards from 2003-2015. It was wonderful way to relive all of his travels. Do any Circumnavigators have a collection of old postcards? Might make for a good feature in The LOG’s Collectors Corner.


A bit of whimsey…Circumnavigators Geoff & Marilyn McGrath (At Large – Virginia) shared this humorous photo from Washington DC.

One of the Best…This writer has written plenty about some of our historic members. Watching Wimbledon last month, I recalled that tennis great Arthur Ashe was a member, having joined in 1978. Here is a copy of his application.

aurthur as he

The Last Shot

Last shot
Thanks to Circumnavigator Judy Swanson (Naples Chapter) for this stunning shot in Canada.

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
International President

July 2023 Circumbits

Circumbits Comments Off on July 2023 Circumbits
Jun 302023
July 2023 circumbits
Historic Circumnavigator John Philip Sousa epitomizes freedom. The band-leader’s last march was dedicated to the Circumnavigators Club.

Freedom Rings

July brings home the great gift of Freedom—-Freedom of speech, religion and importantly for Circumnavigators, the freedom to travel the world. Best wishes to members, family and friends for a wonderful July.

Save the Date

Magellan Award October 6

Our biggest event of the year will be the Magellan Award presentation to Travel Experts Tony & Maureen Wheeler from Australia. The Wheelers are internationally known for their books and guidebooks the Lonely Planet which have sold millions of copies. They have been honored as Officers of the Order of Australia for “distinguished service to business and commerce as publishers of travel guides, and as benefactors to a range of Australian arts and aid organizations.” The Circumnavigators Order of Magellan black-tie event will be held on October 6, 2023 at the Union League Club in New York City. Headquarters can make arrangements for overnight reservations at the Union League or the Yale Club. Formal invitations will be on the way to members.

Ellie Hamby and Sandy Hazlip

Meet the Dynamic Duo

Circumnavigators Ellie Hamby and Sandy Hazlip are the 81-year-old best friends who circled the globe in just 80 days, resulting in numerous news features on CNN, The New York Times and others.The Club will be honoring them at an event on August 23 at the Yale Club in New York City. You won’t want to miss this exciting event. Invitations will be sent our shortly.

Photo contest 2023

Attention Photographers…Please submit your best photos from places you’ve traveled for the Circumnavigators Club Photo Contest.
Deadline: August 31, 2023
Categories:    Human Interest, Flora & Fauna, Landscape, Architecture

Our Annual Photo Contest is fun for our members and helps support the Circumnavigators Foundation. It is a great way to share our photos with the membership. 
Rules: Photos are to be submitted via email as an attachment to Please put PHOTO CONTEST in the subject line of the email. Members are limited to five submissions. There is a $10 fee for each photo, which is a tax-deductible contribution to the Foundation. The photos do not have to be recent. The photos will be judged by professional photographers. There is no form to be filled out. Just send your email with the photos including the following:

  • Your Name
  • Chapter
  • Category of photograph
  • Title of photograph
  • Photographer’s statement

Entry fees can be sent via PayPal on our website: by check to “Circumnavigators Club Foundation” and mailed to the Circumnavigators Club Foundation, PO Box 465, Ramsey NJ 07446. Let’s support this event! All photos will be shown on the Club web site.        

Collectors’ Corner

Do you have a travel collection that can be featured in the next issue of The LOG? Please contact headquarters with information.  

Chapter Highlights

Washington DC

Washington DC Chapter…Circumnavigators joined with members of the Explorer’s Club to attend the World Cup Polo Event in Leesburg, Virginia. Team USA beat the Moroccan team 16-10. The USA team captain, Tareq Salahi, submitted his application to join the Circumnavigators Club, along with his wife Lisa Sponden. The Chapter looks forward to making this an annual event.

The Chapter held a recent meeting at The Royal India Restaurant where a beautiful Indian buffet was offered. The speaker was an executive from Silver Seas Cruise Line who explained various expeditions to Antarctica and the Arctic. The new president of the Palm Beach Chapter, Tom Van Horn, his wife and Elizabeth Rogers joined the festivities. The Chapter looks forward to many exciting meetings in the fall and increasing its membership. 

pacific southwest
Janelle McCullough, Diane Louise Cole, Arthur Hammonds, Virginia Foster, Kathleen Beebe, George Beebe, Lynn Payette, Larry Branton

A Garden Party was held at the home of Virginia Foster & Arthur Hammonds where Circumnavigators enjoyed a festive feast and played a travel game which tested everyone’s knowledge of the 330 world countries and territories.  The game involved drawing pictures to give clues to the secret country the other team represented.  

pac nw

Pacific Northwest Chapter…Circumnavigators gathered for their first hybrid Zoom meeting, allowing members to enjoy the company in person or on screen. The event was enjoyed by all.

all over the map July 23

Circumnavigators Susan Norm Dailey (Washington DC Chapter), inspired by Circumnavigator Suzanne Frye’s article in The LOG, went to Algeria. Here they are at the Roman ruins of Tipaza in front of the Basilica, circa 4th Century AD. Inspired by the God of wine Bacchus, they are moving on to the wine regions of France, Chateau Neuf-du-Pape, Burgundy, and Champagne. 

daily July 23

Circumnavigators Maria & Gunther Winkler (Naples Chapter) are traveling in Sicily. Here they stand in the historic town of Regusa.

winklers 2023


The Travelers Century Club and the Circumnavigators Club have a lot in common. Both historic clubs have members who love to explore the world. At our Annual Meeting, we got this photo of members of both clubs who attended the meeting. Also, photographed is Circumnavigator Steve Fuller who happens to be president of the TCC. Steve is a marathoner with amazing credentials. He has run more than 250 marathons, including one on all seven continents.


Circumnavigator Henri Van Bentum, who passed over the horizon last year, was honored with the Deployment of a Living Reef Memorial in Spring Bay, the Salish Sea, Victoria, B.C. The Canadian Henri was an avid Circumnavigator for decades.  The reef is composed of Henri’s cremated ashes, crushed oyster shells, sand and a bit of low-alkaline cement. Very soon it will be inhabited by many ocean creatures. Like his life, Henri’s memory is vivid and strong.

Henri Van Bentum

The Last Shot

This photo by Circumnavigator Steven Barnett was a winner in our last photo contest. Please consider participating in the upcoming photo event.

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
International President

May 2023 Circumbits

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May 012023
May 2023 Circumbits
Sandy Hazlip and Ellie Hamby

Dynamic Duo Joins Circumnavigators

Circumnavigators may have read about these amazing ladies who recently were featured in several  national news stories. Sandy Hazlip and Ellie Hamby are 81-year-old best friends who circled the globe in 80 days. The Board of Governors voted to offer them honorary memberships and they are delighted to join our ranks. The Texans hope to interact with Circumnavigators with presentations about their travels—Stay tuned!
Here is a link to their article.

7 continents

Have you visited all seven continents?

Members are reminded to contact headquarters if they have visited all seven continents to be listed on this site and receive a certificate to acknowledge their accomplishment.

The LOG is on the way

theme for The Log: Antartica
Antarctic adventures are a major theme in the upcoming LOG.

Members will be receiving the new issue of our venerable publication this month. The LOG will also be posted on this site for members to review. For future issues, please let us know about your travels and contact us if you have a collection to be featured in Collectors Corner. The LOG will not accept unsolicited stories, so if you have a possible feature story please review with us to work out the final feature.

Annual Meeting

annual meeting 2023

Our 121st Annual Meeting will be opened with a tap of our historic Whale Tooth Gavel on May 19 at the Penn Club in New York. We hope to see you at this event which features travel icon Azman Mokhtar, who will describe his epic venture of circumnavigating the globe on 77 trains over 77 consecutive days. 

Chapter Highlights

Washington DC Chapter event…if you happen to be in the DC area in June, join the DC Chapter and Explorer’s Club for a World Cup Polo event in Leesburg, Virginia on June 24th. An invite will be sent via email.

UK Chapter…The Chapter reported a “wonderful lunch at the Savile Club London with “fabulous food, friendship and laughter.”

Iain Grist, Rob Wilkinson, Jane Lewis, Peter Lord Inchcape, Helen Jenkins, John Constable, Alan Soper, Ges Roulstone, Nick Alexander.
Iain Grist, Rob Wilkinson, Jane Lewis, Peter Lord Inchcape, Helen Jenkins, John Constable, Alan Soper, Ges Roulstone, Nick Alexander.

Five Circumnavigators from the Naples Chapter traveled to Cuba to help a senior center in Havana. Circumnavigators in the Ann, Morrie and Michelle Doyle, Barb Roy, and Rick Jennewine (Naples Chapter) spent a  wonderful week in Havana sightseeing and doing humanitarian work. They found the Cubans to be “warm, welcoming, respectful and so appreciative for the help received.”

Doyle Family
Havana Senior Center
From left to right: Ann Doyle, Michelle Doyle, Barb Roy, Morrie Doyle, and Rick Jennewine.

Circumnavigators in the Mink-Koontz family enjoyed a family vacation in Belize which was postponed since 2020. Dottie & David Mink (Naples Chapter) and Kristen & Katie Koontz (New York Metro) experienced a variety of activities including zip lining, cave tubing and snorkeling.

Mink Koontz Family

Victory Lap…Circumnavigator Michael Lawler (Pacific Southwest Chapter) and his wife Barbara celebrated their epic circumnavigation at an event in New York. Their journey took them to all continents and 113 countries in four months. Their “Victory Lap” was a celebration of Michael’s successful battle over lung cancer. In this photo, they have donned formal wear from Bhutan.

Michael and Barbara Lawler

Dr. Alan Weiss and Maria Weiss, from East Greenwich, RI, visited the Shangri-La in Paris.

Beautiful view of the Eiffel tower from their terrace.

The Last Shot

last shot Larry Glick
Circumnavigator Larry Glick (At Large Texas) captured this beautiful shot of the Glaucous Gull in soaring flight over a Scoresbysund glacier.  Scoresbysund is the longest Fjord in the world and located in East Greenland.

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
International President

January 2023 Circumbits

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Jan 032023
Jan 2023
happy new year!

Welcome to 2023

We decided to show this imaginative, iconic art piece from 1912 to toast the New Year. Looks like Circumnavigators are sharing bubbly with countries around the world. We have now struggled through three challenging years. Let’s hope for a fresh start in 2023. The Club would like to wish a Happy New Year to our members, family and friends. Our mission to make the world a better place is as important as ever.

all over the map jan 2023

A number of Circumnavigators have ventured to Antarctica recently, some making it their 7th Continent to visit.

dills and minks antartica

Circumnavigators Jon Melody Dill and Dottie & David Mink (Naples Chapter) touched down in Antarctica last month, opting to fly from Chile to avoid the often rough Drake Passage. They picked up a cruise there and marveled at the magnificent scenery.

Walter Suslak 7th continent

Circumnavigator Walter Suslak (At large, Jacksonville, FL) and wife Sally made it to their 7th Continent. Some of Walter’s excellent photos will be featured in the next issue of The LOG.

Lisa Brighton Antartica

Circumnavigator Lisa Brighton (Michigan Chapter) got a work out in the icy waters of Antarctica. She loved her month-long journey to this part of the world.

At this writing, a least two more club members are off to the bottom of the world on separate adventures. They are Michael Puldy (Pacific SW Chapter) and Mark Pross (Washington DC Chapter). Mark is repeating a trip to Antarctica during which he contracted Covid and couldn’t leave his ship for the land excursions. Have you been to Antarctica or plan to go soon? Please let us know at because we will feature this venue in the next issue of The LOG.

Ann Swinford London

Circumnavigator Ann Swinford (Michigan Chapter) was one of the Americans who ventured to London for the magnificent House of Lords dinner for Circumnavigators. Why not consider attending this wonderful event next December?

Geoff & Marilyn McGrath Thailand

Circumnavigators Geoff Marilyn McGrath (Williamsburg, VA) reported in from their current circumnavigation, visiting here Wat Mahathat Buddhist temple in central Thailand.

Helen Jenkins Ontario

Circumnavigator Helen Jenkins, (President UK Chapter) left Wales to visit Coldwater Village in Ontario, Canada.

Lion & Donna Curran

Circumnavigators Lion Donna Curran (At Large) ventured westward to visit warm venues like Death Valley.

Alan Weiss

Circumnavigator Alan Weiss (Rhode Island) and wife Maria enjoyed a Macallan highball at Park Chinois in London.

Pam & Bill Girtman

Circumnavigators Pam Bill Girtman (Naples Chapter) visited Jamaica where they got this iconic shot of a local street vendor.


Touchdown for the Petersons

Circumnavigators Melanie & Dan Peterson (Chicago Chapter) have enjoyed attending a lot of pro and college football recently. In addition to four NFL games (one each with Circumnavigator son Andrew (At-Large) and daughter Charlotte (At-Large)), Dan flew Melanie in his plane to Philadelphia and back for the Army-Navy Game.  Later it was on to Miami (by airline) for the Orange Bowl, joined by their other Circumnavigator son Matthew (At-Large) for a Tennessee victory. Sixteen hours later Dan was in Phoenix for the CFP Semi-Final Fiesta Bowl and a TCU victory.  And next week Melanie, Dan and Andrew are headed to Los Angeles for the CFP National Championship Game.  For Dan, Club 1st VP, that will push him more than halfway to his goal of seeing a game in all 30 NFL stadiums.

The Last Shot

Atacama Desert in Chile
Thanks to Circumnavigator Steve Barnett (At Large, Panama) for this shot stunning photo from the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
International President

August 2021 Circumbits

Circumbits, The Blog Comments Off on August 2021 Circumbits
Jul 262021
August flowers bloom in Iceland

The LOG is on the way!

Members will receive their copies of The LOG in August. This issue has Club news and features, but it is a bit abbreviated given the lack of travel and Chapter meetings during the pandemic. As Circumnavigators get back on the road, members are encouraged to let us know about their travels for Circumbits and The LOG. Please remember that we do not want complete stories to be submitted. Contact Tracy or David to discuss story concepts.

Al Morasso Jr.

Alfred Morasso, Jr. sadly passed away in June. He was a Past President of the Club, as was his father, Alfred Sr. Alfred (the first) was the sole survivor of ship sinking in 1920, a story that has been recounted several times in the LOG and online. It is an amazing story, so we are offering a link if you would like to read the whole story. 

Link to the original article here

Are you a mountain climber?  

We are looking to share adventures with our members and we would like to do a story on mountain climbing. Please let us know if you are an avid climber at

The Last Shot

Thanks to Gunther Winkler (Naples Chapter) for this photo of the Arches National Park in Utah.

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
International President

June 2021 Circumbits

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Jun 012021
Beaches are getting busy again as shown from this photo from Ocean City, NJ

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy

Circumnavigators are enjoying a return to normalcy after more than a year of lockdowns, quarantines, social distancing, masks, and importantly, restricted travel. Best wishes to all Circumnavigators, family and friends for a fun-filled summer.

2021 Annual Meeting goes virtual again

Due to pandemic restrictions, our 119th Annual Meeting was conducted via Zoom technology for the second, and hopefully, last time.  The good news is that 65 members participated in the meeting. All of the required agenda items were completed. Welcome to our new Board members, Jeneane Blom (Chicago), Michael Puldy (Pacific Southwest) and Steven Barnett (At Large, Panama). The meeting was followed by a fascinating travel presentation by Gunther Winkler (Naples). Gunther presented photos and stories from around the world. The Club sent a link to the Annual Meeting to all members. If you do not have it, please contact Tracy Sancilio at headquarters.

Seven Continents

7 continents

Reminder, if you have visited all continents and are not on the list on this page, please let us know.

On the Road Again

Circumnavigators are beginning to travel internationally. If you have made a foreign trip, please let us know about it. It is important to share this information with members.

Egypt and Jordan

Norman and Susan Dailey (Washington DC Chapter) recently returned home from Egypt and Jordan. Fully vaccinated, they found that traveling to these two countries was easy, although PCR Covid tests were required. The Daileys reported, one problem was visiting during Ramadan, which coupled with a strict evening curfew, didn’t allow them to sample local cuisine, one of their favorite parts of traveling.

They reported, “Besides the spectacular sites, one overriding theme for the trip was the small number of tourists.  At the Great Pyramid, they used to have 15,000 or more visitors a day–during our visit, less than 500. At Petra, in Jordan the same story.  Usually thousands visit daily, during our visit, maybe several hundred.  For us it was wonderful, for those that depend on tourists for income, a dire situation.” Having traveled to all continents and many wonders of the world, Norman is sorry that he waited so long to visit these two special countries. 


Circumnavigator Arthur Hammons (Pacific Southwest) has written a new book that was featured in an article of La Jolla Light. The paper reported: “The Rev. Arthur Hammons invites you to take up a pen to make the current chapter of your life “the best,” and he’s detailed his ideas for how to do so in his latest book, “This Chapter of Your Life.”

The La Jolla resident said, “Our lives are made up of many chapters, and we can use all the other chapters as resources to make this chapter the best.”

Arthur is the husband of Chapter President Virginia Foster.

The Last Shot

Thanks to Circumnavigator Gunther Winkler for this shot of a Toucan in Belize. As mentioned above, Gunther shared his wonderful photos with members after the Annual Meeting. Gunther and his wife Maria recently traveled to Guatemala and Belize. Their travel story and photos will be featured in the next issue of The LOG.

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
International President

© 2012 Circumnavigators Blog
Website by CIncinnatiMedia
Circumnavigators Club | 50 Vanderbilt Ave. | New York, NY 10017
Phone: (201) 612-9100 | E-mail
Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha