Happy New Year!
Our historic club has now entered its 122nd year and there is much ahead. It is important to remember that we are a sharing club, giving members advice and strategy on travel. Most important is our mission: Through Friendship, To Leave This World A Little Better Than We Found It. Our mission isn’t limited to international events. Closer to home is equally relevant. So, Chapters and members, please let us know what we are doing to make the world a better place. Of course, our best wishes go to members, family and friends for a wonderful 2024.
Our Annual Meeting will be held in New York City on Friday, May 17. Yours truly will make the presentation at the end of six years of presidency. President David Mink will “Wrap it Up” with photos and Circum stories.
Chapter Highlights
UK Chapter held its annual dinner at the House of Lords, sponsored by Circumnavigator Lord Richard Faulkner. Thanks go to Chapter President Helen Jenkins for coordinating another wonderful sold-out event. About a dozen Americans made the journey to London to join the UK members and guests. Featured was speaker Per Besson with his program “Lessons from a Polyglot’s Travels through 193 UN counties.”
Michigan Chapter celebrated its annual Holiday Party with a luncheon at Plum Hollow Golf and Country Club, hosted by Circumnavigator Mary Lou Butcher, with a plated meal and a round-table discussion. Each attendee shared with the group where they’d been over the past year and where they were headed next year. The stories were amazing!
Chicago Chapter held an event in the wine cellar at Francesca’s in Chicago. Steven Cory Solomon talked about his experiences as a Rotary Scholar in Durban, South Africa. He shared how Dr. Jane Goodall and Archbishop Desmond Tutu changed his life through global opportunities beyond his wildest imagination.
During the event, the Chapter held its biannual election of officers. A signed photo of “Earth Rise,” which had been presented to the chapter in 1990 by astronaut Jim Lovell, was passed from outgoing President Jeneane Blom to incoming President Jim Franch.
Naples Chapter had a festive holiday event during which Circumnavigator Elaine Christian gave a fascinating presentation on her recent trip to the Himalayan Mountain countries of Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet.
Pacific Southwest Chapter held a holiday event at the home of President Virginia Foster and husband Arthur in La Jolla where members recounted travel stories and enjoyed a festive dinner.
Pacific Northwest Chapter held a memorable holiday party at the home of Circumnavigator Will Mason and his wife Maria. Chapter members enjoyed sharing stories and a marvelous buffet.
Circumnavigator Steve Barnett (At Large, Panama) is stepping off the Board of Governors as he embarks on a six-month solo motorcycle adventure in India. He says, “My plan for India is…. well, pretty much no plan! I’ll buy a motorcycle in either Bangalore or Goa (depending on what’s available) then ride to the southern tip of India and gradually work my way north for about five months. This is how I’ve traveled through most parts of the world— just winging it”. His wife Karen will join him for a little while in India in April and they are planning on going on the Deccan Odyssey train from Mumbai through Rajasthan to New Delhi. “I hope to get to the north to see Kashmir and Srinagar. Of particular interest are the houseboats on Lake Dal. I lived on a houseboat in Sausalito California for eight years and have always wanted to see what they are like on the other side of the world”.
Circumnavigator Helen Jenkins (President, UK Chapter) visited the Jardin Majorelle in Marrakesh, Morocco. International garden expert Monty Don ranks it as one of the best gardens in the world.
Circumnavigator Katie Koontz (At Large, California) was recently transferred to Los Angeles. Katie works for CNBC and she returned home to New York for a holiday libation at the Yale Club.
Circumnavigator Club treasurer Jim Franch (Chicago Chapter) was in Madagascar where he had this close encounter with a lemur. He explained that lemurs always live in small groups with defined territories and are run by a single alpha female. All females have a red-brown fur and all males like this one are black. They have no predators on this island so they are not afraid of humans.
Circumnavigator Sally Cole (Palm Beach Chapter) on the road again as she and husband Larry traveled to Cyprus to embark on a cruise through the Suez Canal with stops in Egypt and Jordan.
Circumnavigator Ed Hotchkiss (New York Metro) and his wife Khadija just returned from a three-month trip to 13 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. One highlight was spending five days in the little-known, three-island country of Comoros, located in the Indian Ocean, east of Mozambique and north of Madagascar. While it has miles of beautiful beaches, a thick forest, and even a live volcano, few tourists go there. He says, “I was fortunate to go to a local wedding, where I took a photo with these lovely women. The lady on the left has applied masonjoany to her face, a decorative cosmetic paste and sunscreen made of ground wood.”
Circumnavigators Suzanne Frye and Sue Murphy (New York Metro) spent New Year’s Eve at the historic pyramids in Giza, Egypt. As usual, photographer Suzanne caught some colorful shots there.
The Last Shot
Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to club@circumnavigators.org.
Luck to you!
David A. Mink
International President