Members and guest celebrated the holidays at the Coffee House Club on December 12. Everyone enjoyed a wonderful evening!
Desert Chapter hosts lunch in November
On November 12, the Desert Chapter held a lunch at the Arizona Country Club. Washington DC Chapter member C. Steve Smith gave a presentation on “Air Safety in Our Skies.”
December 2017 Circumbits
Season’s Greetings to all Circumnavigators, family and friends…
This cover from The LOG in 1929 is one of our favorites. It shows a studious Santa Claus attempting to deliver a gift to a Circumnavigator in China. A little research has shown that the illustrator was a Club member who was also a distinguished and prominent artist. Louis M. Glackens illustrated dozens of stories and articles in the early 20th Century, including his work for Puck, the leading humor magazine of the time.
Happy holidays to all!
The LOG is coming soon…
Look for the latest issue of The LOG to arrive at your home soon. This issue features some great stories from our members and news from the Club. One story relates the journey through the Northwest Passage by Bradford and Susan Gary. They made a presentation recently to the Palm Beach Chapter, which was covered by the newspaper and can be read here.
Have you checked your DNA?…
Circumnavigator Henri Van Bentum of Canada wrote a story for his local newspaper about tracing one’s ethnic roots through DNA. The story can be read at the link here. If you have checked your DNA and gotten any interesting results, please contact us at Henri is planning to write a story for a future issue of The LOG about this procedure.
The Last Shot
Watching the bulls…
The upcoming LOG will also feature a story by Henry Restarick who took the thrilling risk of running with the bulls in Spain. This amazing shot by Janet Restarick could not be shown in its entirety in the publication, so we thought you would enjoy seeing it here.
Luck to you,
David A. Mink
Chair, Communications
DC Chapter hosted November event
Icefall: Adventures at the Wild Edges of our Changing Dangerous Planet
John All, JD, PhD, is a global explorer and geoscientist, specializing in climate change research in remote locations
Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, Nov. 18
11-17-2017 Luncheon at Naples Chapter
Celebrate the Holiday Season with Fellow Circumnavigators at
20 West Forty-Fourth Street
Sixth Floor
New York City
Tuesday ~ December 12, 2017
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres
(full bar)
$60.00 per person
Guests welcome!
Get your tickets here, or use this flyer to RSVP.