There is much for which to give thanks as we enter into the holiday season. But we want to send our prayers to those in the world who are under turmoil in places such as Ukraine, Israel and Gaza. Circumnavigators continue to do their part in making the world a better place through peace, friendship and understanding. Our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving to members, family and friends.
Order of Magellan
Our highest award was presented in October to travel writers and adventurers Maureen & Tony Wheeler at the Union League Club in New York City. This was the first time in our long history that the Magellan honor went to a husband and wife. The Wheelers wrote the Lonely Planet book series that has sold millions of copies and helped people navigate the world. The Australians offered a lively slide presentation of their extensive world travels.
Plan Ahead…It isn’t too early to plan for the Club’s next big international event. Our Annual Meeting will be held in New York on Friday, May 17. The speaker and location will be announced around the first of the year.
Chapter Highlights
Pacific Northwest Chapter held a meeting at the home of President James & Caroline Farrell for a friendly get together. Caroline provided an outstanding Oktoberfest buffet including Sauerbraten, other German dishes and various German wines and beers. Members viewed a video presentation by Rick Steves about the Bavarian Alps, Munich and Oktoberfest.
Washington DC Chapter held a meeting during which members received a presentation by Circumnavigators Foundation scholar Sofia Doroshenko. The Georgetown University student shared her travel-study experience that lasted three months, taking her entire summer break. Also, new members Mark Pross and James Bamford received their certificates.
Michigan Chapter President Kathy Sinclair greeted Pacific Southwest Chapter President Virginia Foster and husband Arthur Hammons at the Rosa Parks bus in Detroit’s Henry Ford Museum.
Miami Chapter members gathered for Indian food dining and friendship in nearby Fort Lauderdale. The event concluded with a presentation: Circumnavigators Club Tales & Traditions by International President David Mink. Members from the Palm Beach Chapter and the Travelers Century Club joined the festivities.
Naples Chapter held its final seasonal GEMS event—Viva Mexico – Celebrating the Culture and History of Mexico. GEMS stands for “Globetrotters Exchanging Memorable Stories.” It is a small group of Naples members, who like to continue getting together during the quiet summer months, exchanging travel memories, organized by Circumnavigator Ann Granata.
Circumnavigator Mark Pross (Washington DC Chapter) unfurled the Circumnavigators Club flag at Recherchebreen Glacier in Recherchefjord, Svalbard, Norway. Mark and his wife Marty took a polar expedition in the Arctic from Oslo to Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway. They visited the uninhabited volcanic Jan Mayen Island off the east coast of Greenland; Iceland; the Faroe islands; the Shetland Islands; and Bergen, Norway.
Circumnavigators Howard & Amy Matson (New York Metro) visited Scandinavia where they visited Fredricksborg Castle about 40 miles north of Copenhagen. In Sweden, Past President Howard visited the thatched- roof home of his great great grandfather in Falkenberg.
Circumnavigator John Weed (At Large Colorado) and wife, Cynthia, just completed two weeks exploring in Britain. They spent a week in the Lake District, and a week in Borders area between northern England and southern Scotland. They travelled throughout Cumbria and Northumbria from the Irish Sea to the North Sea. They enjoyed the romance of the Lake District, including poet homes. Then, they were introduced to the history of the Border Reivers.
The Last Shot
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Luck to you!
David A. Mink
International President