August 2016 Circumbits

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Jul 292016
solarimpulse4Congratulations to the Solar Impulse 2 team!

Mission Complete…

Bertrand Piccard, recipient of the Club’s 1999 Order of Magellan for his circumnavigation by hot air balloon, landed the solar-powered aircraft, the Solar Impulse 2, in Abu Dhabi on July 26, 2016.  Piccard and his fellow Swiss pilot, Andre Borschberg, began their round-the-world journey in March 2015.  Taking turns piloting the single-seat plane, they made the trip in 16 legs without using any fuel.  The trip had been interrupted for nine months because the batteries were damaged during the longest leg — five days from Japan to Hawaii.  In interviews on Tuesday, Piccard expressed his belief that the accomplishment demonstrates that clean technologies can be adapted to make the world more energy efficient.

Singapore Chapter

The Singapore Chapter held its annual mid-year dinner at the fabulous Sentosa Golf Club. A delicious dinner and excellent band accompanied by members singing their hearts out.


Click to see a larger image

Click to see a larger image

Need a Blazer Badge?

Just in…A new inventory of the Club blazer badges is now available for sale. The handmade badges are $50 and can be ordered by contacting Tracy Sancilio at

In The LOG

We hope you have enjoyed the latest copy of The LOG. The staff appreciates feedback and comments from Circumnavigators, so let us know what you think! Remember you can also read The LOG on this website. The issue had a great story by Circum Fred Myers about his circumnavigation on a weekend. We neglected that the woman chatting with Fred in the photo is Summer Bartholomew, Miss U.S.A. for 1975. Fred notes that “her charm, good looks and sense of adventure made her a hit with everyone on the flight. In fact, in later years she went on to do well as an actress.”


podellbookClub Member Book Available

Author and Adventurer Albert Podell, who addressed our Annual Meeting in May, is now a member of the Club. We welcome this outstanding world traveler to our ranks. Albert’s best-selling book is now available in paperback, and can be purchased online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, as well as at independent bookstores. Circumnavigators will enjoy this witty and intriguing tale.


The Last Shot

A vision to cool you off after this hot summer, Circumnavigator Katie Koontz took this shot last month in Glacier Bay, Alaska. The next issue of The LOG, scheduled for the end of the year, will feature photos and stories from Lands of Snow and Ice. So send us some of your best snowy, icy photos. Also, start reviewing your photos to enter the 2016 Foundation Photo Contest (see last year’s entries here).


July 2016 Circumbits

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Jul 012016

fireworksHappy Independence Day!

For those Circumnavigators from the United States, we wish you and your families a festive holiday. For our International members, best wishes to you as well. As Circumnavigators discover the world, we come to appreciate the freedoms and opportunities that exist in some countries, but not in others. So, we continue our efforts to make the world a better place through friendship and understanding.


New & Improved Club Roster is coming…

The online version of our Club directory will be greatly enhanced in upcoming weeks. The new roster will be user friendly and easy to access. The new roster is available now on the web site in an early version. IMPORTANT! PLEASE GO TO THE CURRENT ROSTER AND MAKE SURE YOUR INFORMATION IS ACCURATE. On this website, go to the Membership tab at the top. Scroll down and click on Roster. You can also access the roster in the right column under “Members Only Section”. This will require the password. If you do not know the password (same for all members), contact Tracy at headquarters by email or phone and she will give it to you. Thanks for your help.

The LOG will arrive this month…

We think you will enjoy the upcoming version of our venerable club publication with great stories and photos from our members. Please send us your feedback! We will run selected comments on the web site. Also, let us know if you have any suggestions for stories. Please do not send finished stories to The LOG. We will work with you to develop stories. Also important, send us word about your travels for All Over the Map. Finally, are you a collector? We will be running Collector’s Corner in each issue about travel-related collections.

june16bPhoto mystery solved…

At the Annual Meeting, our speaker, Adventurer Albert Podell asked our help in identifying one of his many photos that remained a mystery. He has shown it to more than 20 groups, and thanks to our Web Coordinator, Beth Tindall, The Circumnavigators Club came up with the answer. The building, shown below, is the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo.


The Last Shot

Albert Podell was delighted that we identified his mystery photo, and now he has another request. He recently discovered from a Bulgarian that he has been misidentifying this photo as Sofia (Bulgaria) at dusk. Can a Circumnavigator come up with the right venue? Albert says it was taken in Eastern Europe in 2014.

Luck to you!




David A. Mink
Chair, Communications

2012 Photo Contest Winners

Foundation, Mystery Photo, The Blog Comments Off on 2012 Photo Contest Winners
Jan 142013

Congratulations to all of the winners of the Circumnavigators Club Photo Contest! All proceeds from the contest go to the Foundation. Click on any of the photos to see a larger version, and to read the description.


Flora & Fauna

1. Angela Addario – “NYC Central Park”
2. Steven Barnett – “Feeding Time”
3. Mark Hauptman – “Purple Power”


1. Cynthia Bassett – “Yuang Yang Rice Terraces”
2. Diane Fishman – “Landscape, Cuba”
3. Mark Hauptman – “Kiwi Lake”

Human Interest

1. Steven Barnett – “Wool Carder”
2. Angela Addario – “The Souk, Yemen”
3. David Mink – “Chinese Beach”


1. Elizabeth Manny – “Latin Quarter Sky”
2. Cynthia Bassett – “Lake Sevan, Armenia”
3. Angela Addario – ” l’Arc de Triomphe, Night”

© 2012 Circumnavigators Blog
Website by CIncinnatiMedia
Circumnavigators Club | 50 Vanderbilt Ave. | New York, NY 10017
Phone: (201) 612-9100 | E-mail
Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha