On a beautiful Spring day, Circumnavigators gathered in New York City for the Annual Meeting, which included an entertaining and informative presentation from Washington Chapter member Kip Knudson. International President Peter Mosse passed the historic whale’s tooth gavel to our new president Margaret Ellen Parke.

Past Presidents Bill Holm, Howard Matson, Charlie Blaisdell, Peter Mosse, Esther Dyer and Jeff Kelly welcoming newly elected International President Ellen Parke.
Ellen, a long-time member from Washington DC, has held a variety of Club posts, including her recent term as First Vice President. Thanks to Peter for his service and Luck to you, Ellen!
The Log, with its distinctive two-lion cover, is now in members’ hands. If you did not receive your copy, please contact Tracy at headquarters. The cover shot was taken by Naples Chapter member Roger Weatherburn Baker.
The Log staff would appreciate feedback and suggestions. It is important that members give us information for two running sections—All Over the Map and Scuttlebutt.
A new feature will be the column “Where in the world is…”. The recent Log spotlighted Kyzyl, the city at the center of Asia. Have you been to a spot that even the most savvy Circumnavigators might not recognize? Let us know and it might make the publication.
Have a great summer, and Luck to you!
David Mink
Chair, Communications Committee