On May 30, 2014, Circumnavigators gathered at the Club’s Headquarters, The Yale Club, to hold their annual meeting and luncheon. International President Peter Mosse welcomed members and called the meeting to order with a tap of the historic William Jennings Bryan whale’s tooth gavel. The Nominating Committee Chair Esther Dyer was pleased to announce:
Officers to serve a two-year term:
President Margaret Ellen Parke
Firstvicepresident David A. Mink
Secondvicepresident Joshua Laurito
Secretary Sue Murphy
Treasurer George W. Sanborn
Board of Governors to serve a three-year term:
William Freyd – (2nd term) – LAS VEGAS
Thomas Maher – (2nd term) – NAPLES
David A. Mink – (2nd term)
Ray Olson – (1st term) – WASHINGTON DC
Jim Lungo – (1st term) – NAPLES
Michael Coccaro – (1st term) – DESERT
Howard Matson, Foundation Nominating Committee Chair, announced the Foundation Board of Directors to serve a three-year term:
Dan Peterson – CHICAGO
Brian V. Evans – Scholar 1974 – WASHINGTON DC
Judith Pojda – Scholar 1986 – WASHINGTON DC
Esther R. Dyer
David Mink
A. Park Shaw – DESERT
Newly elected Circumnavigators Club International President Ellen Parke graciously accepted her new role while Peter Mosse handed over the William Jennings Bryan whale’s tooth gavel.

Peter Mosse handed over the William Jennings Bryan whale’s tooth gavel to incoming President Ellen Parke
Pasts Presidents joined Ellen Parke in presenting Peter Mosse with an engraved chair and thanked him for his time served as President and dedication to the Club.
After the meeting, members and guests enjoyed a delicious lunch while guest speaker and former Foundation Scholar Kip Knudson gave a presentation on how his experience as a grantee traveling around the world led to a life in Alaska. It was a very engaging presentation and was enjoyed by all.

Past Presidents Bill Holm, Howard Matson, Charlie Blaisdell, Peter Mosse, Esther Dyer and Jeff Kelly welcoming newly elected International President Ellen Parke.