November 2024 circumbits
pumpkins in fall

Time to give Thanks

There is plenty of trouble in the world today and favorite places that some Circumnavigators are avoiding. But, more importantly, there is much for which to be thankful. Let’s take some time to be grateful for the wonderful things in life such as friends, family and parts of our great globe where peace and love abound. We wish all our members a festive November and Happy Thanksgiving.

Foundation News

met scholder

In each upcoming edition of Circumbits, a YouTube link will be provided to a video interview of one of the Foundation Scholars from 1971 to the present who participated in the Foundation Retrospective program undertaken in connection with the half-century observance of the around-the-world travel-study grant program. The interviews provide insight into the Scholars’ research projects as well as fascinating – and at time, harrowing – travel tales that all Circumnavigators will enjoy.

Click here to access the Foundation’s interview with 2003 Georgetown University Grantee Matt Scholder, whose research topic was “Converging Import and Export Strategies: The Future of Global Energy Cooperation.”

Chapter Highlights

Washington DC chapter nov 2024

Washington, D.C. Chapter recently held its semiannual meeting,  featuring Circumnavigators Foundation grantee John DiPerri, who discussed his project “Politics hits the Pavement.” It was a cross comparative of local governance” highlighting the nations visited on his circumnavigation— United Kingdom, France, Spain, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Singapore, and New Zealand. Chapter President Gwendolyn Sutton reported it “was fascinating listening to him describe his adventures, both work, fun, and meeting wonderful people along the way.” Members had a lovely Oktoberfest themed meal and had the opportunity to present long overdue membership certificates to Melanie Armstrong, Rachel Barnett, and Isiah Akin.

naples nov 2024

Naples Chapter – The G.E.M.S. unit held its final meeting of the Florida “off” season. Members enjoyed sharing travel stories and viewing items that members discovered on their trips. G.E.M.S. stands for Globetrotters Exchanging Memorable Stories.

Miami Chapter members met on Sunday, October 27 at the Las Vegas Cuban restaurant and enjoyed guest speaker, Michael Hiner, a purser with United Airlines for 20 years, who shared very interesting stories.

Singapore nov 2024

Singapore Chapter President, Mr. Ang Hao Yao, presents membership certificates to new members Mr. Fred Teo and Mr. Kevin Goh.

Circumnavigators Singapore Chapter, Past Presidents Graham Bell and Michael Palmer and members David Chen and Allan Lim welcomed Bert & Madge Amann of the Naples Chapter to Singapore over dim sum lunch at a famous Singapore restaurant.

November 2024 Circumnavigators all over the map

Circumnavigators Maria Alan Weiss (New York Metro) climbed the Spanish Steps in Rome. They report, “We’ve climbed them over the years six times or so, and now we did it again at the age of 78.”

Jon & Melody Dill, David & Dottie Mink and new members David & Sally Batanian

Six Circumnavigators from the Naples Chapter enjoyed a cruise from Lisbon to Rome with fascinating  excursions in  Portugal, Spain, Monaco, France and Italy. Jon & Melody DillDavid & Dottie Mink and new members David & Sally Batanian pose in some of their memorable locations.

Circumnavigator and Club treasurer Jim Franch (Chicago Chapter) is enjoying a trek through the “Stans”. He reports here from Tashkent Uzbekistan where he saw the oldest known Koran, the soviet style subway and other famous sites.  “I was treated to a special tour of master ceramist Rakhimov’s studio. Rakhimov is a 5th generation recognized master ceramist whose son, grandson and now granddaughter are also recognized masters and represent the 6th and 7th generation. He played an integral part in restoring the mosques damaged by earthquakes as well as doing commissions for the US State Department. As an amateur, I was thrilled to grasp his hand.” Jim is now moving on to other “Stans” on his ambitious journey.

Stephen Carmichael (At Large, Minneapolis) also visited the “Stans” with his wife Susan Stoddard and friends

Circumnavigator Stephen Carmichael (At Large, Minneapolis) also visited the “Stans” with his wife Susan Stoddard and friends. Shown below in Registan Square in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. He reports the trip was with Golden Eagle Trains, called “Republics of the Silk Road”. It was the second circumnavigation for Stephen and the first for Susan.

frye November 2024

Circumnavigator Suzanne Frye (New York Metro) ventured to Newfoundland where she visited Fogo Island, staying at the Fogo Island Inn. She enjoyed colorful hiking and posed with a replica of the extinct Fogo auk. 

carol sommers

Circumnavigator Carol Sommers (Chicago Chapter) took a dive trip in the Solomon Islands.  Here she is with a local museum guide in the capitol, Honiara on Guadalcanal Island.

Mary Houston

Circumnavigator Mary Houston (Chicago Chapter), had an interesting boat ride during a recent visit to Spain and Portugal. It took her across the border from one country to the other.

Rich & Jan Aaron,

Circumnavigators Rich & Jan Aaron, (Chicago Chapter), recently spent time in Cardiff, Wales, and toured Caerphilly Castle. Their first photo stop was the castle’s humiliation stockade, a remnant of former times.

Don & Jeneane Blom

Circumnavigators Don & Jeneane Blom (Chicago Chapter) traveled to Samarkand, Uzbekistan this summer.  Once way off the beaten track, Uzbekistan now looks like a popular travel venue for Circumnavigators.

Please let us know about your travels. Send info to Executive Director Tracy Sancilio at headquarters. Email

The Last Shot

last shot
Take a moment to enjoy an autumn apple. Good for your health and state of mind!

Do you have a good photo for The Last Shot? Please send to

Luck to you!

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David A. Mink
Editorial Director

© 2012 Circumnavigators Blog
Website by CIncinnatiMedia
Circumnavigators Club | 50 Vanderbilt Ave. | New York, NY 10017
Phone: (201) 612-9100 | E-mail
Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha